It's just magic.

An impressive, simple and fast way to convert
your PDF construction documents to FR5/HERO files.

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Provide your
Details here

We'll send the fee proposal to you.

If you would like your fee proposal and invoice to be in a company name, please fill in the following details:

* denotes required field

Drop your
PDF file here
Or click here
to find it

We grab your details next

How this works.

We have taken the time consuming work out of producing FR5/HERO files by providing a service that converts your PDF plans into FR5/HERO files easily.

1. Upload your PDF

Your PDF and basic details are sent directly to our estimator to provide a fee proposal for conversion.

2. Approve the Quote

Once approved via email, Magic Energy Box gets to work converting your PDF to an FR5/HERO file with all the necessary details.

3. Collect your FR5/HERO file

Your FR5/HERO file is sent to you via email ready to optimise for compliance. You can also access past FR5/HERO files too!